The curious hedgehog is loved by many, with an adorable nature that we just can't resist. This prickly creature is an animal that we all feel an urge to protect, a welcome sight in many gardens throughout the countryside.

As we move into autumn, the hedgehog will be seen gathering their supplies for the colder and wetter months. We have taken a closer look at the loveable hedgehog and put together some facts that you may or may not have heard before.

  • Hedgehogs gained their name from where they build their nests, in bushes, hedges and shrubs, as well as the noise that they make, which is a hog like snort or grunt.
  • Nocturnal animals, hedgehogs sleep during the day and come out at night.
  • Some hedgehogs choose to hibernate throughout the winter months.
  • Although many people leave out milk for hedgehogs to drink, they are actually lactose intolerant.
  • A hedgehog uses its long snout to forage for food.

  • Although they can see well in the dark, their eyesight is not good, so hedgehogs use their hearing and sense of smell to hunt for food.
  • Across the world there are 15 species of hedgehog.
  • Hedgehogs have between 5000 to 7000 spikes on their body.
  • Hedgehogs are most vulnerable to harm on their stomach, which is why they curl up into a ball for protection.
  • A group of hedgehogs is called an array.

  • Young hedgehogs will leave their mother at between 4 to 7 weeks of age.
  • Hedgehogs are generally solitary and will usually only spend time with another hedgehog when they pair up to mate.
  • A hedgehog's diet usually consists of berries, fruit, insects, small mice, snails and frogs.
  • On an evening walk a hedgehog can often cover up to 2 miles on their little legs.
  • An adult hedgehog can range from 14 to 30cm in length, with a tail of up to 6cm.

  • Hedgehogs are good swimmers and can climb trees too.
  • A 125 million year old fossil is believed to be the hedgehog's oldest relative.
  • Hedgehogs use a self-anointing method of licking toxins to create a froth that they will cover themselves in, most likely to warn off predators.
  • One of their biggest predators is the badger.
  • Hedgehogs are prone to obesity.

Visit our website to browse our full collection of beautiful hedgehog gifts.

Post By Kimberley