When the sun is shining and the heat is rising, us humans love to spend as much time outdoors as possible. The same can be said of some animals, as they venture out to stretch their legs and collect food, even if they would normally only be seen during the darker hours.

The countryside is a beautiful place, as are the animals that have made their homes in it. We have made a little list of some of the animals that you should look out for in the summer months, who will be enjoying their natural environment in the sunshine while it lasts!


A very shy animal, you will need to look extra hard to spot a badger out and about during the day. If they leave their burrows during the daytime, they are unlikely to be in noisy, busy areas, preferring peace and quiet where they can look for food.


If you have a garden with flowers, then you are extremely likely to see bees buzzing around during the warmer months. Collecting pollen while they can, bees also love the cooler evenings towards the end of the summer, perhaps finding somewhere to sleep under the stars.


When the waters are calmer and more tranquil during the summer months, you will often see kingfishers swooping fast and low above the surface, ready to catch fish that will be more easily visible.


The summer is a very busy time for hedgehogs, as they make the most of the warmer weather before heading back into hibernation. They will be out foraging for food, finding materials to build-up their nests and potentially finding a mate. Looking out into your garden late at night will be the best time to catch these funny little animals trotting around, attending to their business. 


The summer is an active time for foxes, especially as their cubs begin their first steps into the big wide world. Foxes love to play, relax and hunt in the sun and can often be seen in quieter areas, laying out near their burrow in order to soak up some lovely heat.

If you love animals or know someone who does, browse our wide range of British Wildlife Gifts for something extra special.




Post By Kimberley